Deno 2 site is up!

Following from yesterday's post: I have just finished re-building this website for the third time (or fourth if you count the Svelte rewrite than I never ended up deploying) and I had a lot of fun!

This post is the first one I've ever posted on this website that doesn't require a build step, all powered by a crappy "CMS" that I hacked together using Deno KV. 🎉

I'd already commented on Deno and Fresh yesterday, and I can also now say using Deno Deploy is a fantastic user experience. Granted, this website is a small personal site and has no sophisticated build steps, so time will tell as the ecosystem continues to grow and improve. I'm currently on the free tier and here are some Deno Deploy usage stats:

Deno KV writes is at ~300 because I'm storing posts with Deno KV and I had to migrate markdown posts from the previous, Nuxt static site and accidentally did it twice.

I was initially confused by the number of reads but I'd forgotten that the pricing page does specify up to 4KiB per unit, which would make sense since I do have a few call sites that fetch all blog posts (currently ~120 KiB).

For a personal website like this, where I arguably don't need to store things on the edge, those stats on reads feel expansive. Having said that that, Deno does have a Cache API that's currently free and in beta; I'll collect stats for a couple of days and optimise with the Cache API then.

Will likely write more about this later, especially when I try Deno Deploy with larger projects.

As an aside, I feel that this version of the website has been the easiest to optimise Lighthouse scores because of the fantastic tooling.

Also, hi mom, and happy birthday!