Drizzle and Deno 2

I bumped into a bunch of issues when I initially tried setting up drizzle-orm and drizzle-kit in a Deno 2/Fresh project because of module resolutions issues. After poking around for a bit longer than I would have liked, I suddenly remembered this bit in the Deno 2 RC release notes:

// deno.json

 "nodeModulesDir": "auto"

With that added to the Deno config, running deno install on an NPM package will automatically create a node_modules directory for those dependencies. For example, for Drizzle with Postgres:

deno install npm:dotenv npm:drizzle-orm npm:drizzle-kit npm:postgres

You don't need to rely on any node package managers (npm, yarn, or pnpm) and you shouldn't get a package.json file.

Note that if you are reading environment variables in drizzle.config.ts, you will need dotenv for reading environment variables because drizzle-kit runs in the context of Node.js. For example:

// drizzle.config.ts

import "dotenv/config";
import { defineConfig } from "drizzle-kit";
import process from "node:process";

export default defineConfig({
 out: "./drizzle",
 schema: "./db/schema",
 dialect: "postgresql",
 dbCredentials: {
 url: process.env.DATABASE_URL!,